This mural was created with 15 youth interns/collaborators in Chicago's neighborhood of Little Village during the summer of 2015. Many thanks go to Yollocalli Arts Reach, Metomic Corporation, and Maria Gaspar for helping to make this fun project a reality for our team. Yollocalli Arts Reach, a youth initiative of the National Museum of Mexican Art, is a platform for innovative, urban art practices that generate youth agency.
The Yollocalli model is based on creating a space for experiential learning, collaboration with emerging artists, and the autonomy for youth to realize their own vision. Originating from the heart of Pilsen, Yollocalli is a safe and nurturing environment that enables a progressive dialogue in urban and youth culture.
Lead artist: Chris Silva Interns/Collaborators: Andrea Santoyo, Cassandra Alfaro, Cristabel Tapia, Elizabeth Ortiz, Freya Enriquez, Gabriel Cisneros, Gaby Ibarra, Gilberto Sandoval, Isely Villafranca, Janet Pacheco, Jasmin Pizano, Jose Orozco, Karlos Ramirez, Margarita Estrada, Yoselyne Leon.